Choices From the time my 3 kids were young, they heard my husband and I say to them “it’s all about the choices you make.” They probably got tired of hearing that, but it is very true. From the friends you choose, to the food you eat, to the games you play, to the time you invest in your relationship with God. The list goes on. You can make choices that promote a healthy well-being in body, mind and spirit or you can do things that mark the road to stress and illness Now that you are in college, many of you are away from home for the first time. FREEDOM!! It’s a time for learning new things and exploring new experiences. However, it’s also a time for being wise about and responsible for the things you learn and explore. All decisions have consequences. Coming from a health perspective, how much you sleep, what you eat, if you are a couch potato, etc. can set the tone for your physical and mental well-being for the rest of your life. Many choices set you up for a life o...